May 24, 2023

Read time: 2 min 30 sec

Your salary is a prison cell.

You must bust your gut and bend over backward,

Just to get a 2% raise.

But you’re on this newsletter for a reason.

You know that Twitter and Linkedin are the escape route.

But one of the biggest problems new creators face is this:

They can’t produce valuable content.

And even when they do produce valuable content,

They can’t produce enough of it consistently.

But don’t freak out just yet…

Because I’m going to share with you 5 insider secrets to creating content your niche will love.

When applied correctly, these steps will attract followers like bees to flowers.

Allowing your audience to replace your salary,

So that you can truly have time, location and financial freedom.

So without further ado,

Here are the simple steps to producing immensely valuable content.

Step 1: Assume the reader has no idea who you are.

You shouldn’t allow them to ‘guess’ anything about you.

Give them a small background on yourself.

Make your achievements explicit.

(It also makes you more trustworthy!)

In this example, I basically said,

“You have no idea who I am, but I did this”

This gives them a reason to pay attention to you,

And the achievement makes them want to find out more about you,

All while giving them the belief that “He did it, so I can too”,

And then dropping the main message of the tweet.


Step 2: Assume the reader isn’t aware of your expertise.

Again, don’t allow them to ‘guess’ anything about you.

Specify what you’re good at.

When you do this, you are indirectly specifying WHY they should believe you.

In this example, I specified what I do.

Doing this makes the reader think,

“Oh, he does marketing. Clearly, he’s successful. I want to learn about marketing. I’ll listen to him”

And the best thing is,

You don’t even have to be a genius in your niche!

The fact that you told them what you do is enough.

Trust me. It works.

In this example, the creator specified that his expertise is studying Twitter.

Even if he only has 470 followers!

(And it’s clearly been working for him)

You should do it too.

Step 3: Assume the reader doesn’t know why your expertise is so important.

Giving people insights into the benefits of your expertise is a form of inspiration.

This inspiration is valuable in itself.

The inspiration will give them the desire to learn more about the niche,

Meaning they’ll be more likely to stay with you.

This example of mine will make the reader think something along the lines of

“I want to be a part of the most sustainable business model in the world. I’m going to follow him!”

Step 4: Assume the reader has very little time on their hands.

Less is more,

especially with modern-day attention spans.

It takes one unnecessary adverb,

Or one complicated phrase,

For the reader to scroll on, forgetting that they ever saw your tweet.

Simple, concise, easy tweets are non-negotiable.

Short, concise, and straight to the point.

Step 5: Assume your reader needs to be taught like a 5th grader.

This is arguably the most beneficial.

Every successful piece of content I have, has ONE thing in common.

Without this, you are putting a low roof on your success.

Because people crave one thing,

And that’s simplicity.

People are lazier than ever.

When you give people simple, easy steps,


A quick recap:

5 insider secrets to niche dominance:

Assume your audience:

  • Has no idea who you are
  • Isn’t aware of your expertise
  • Doesn’t know why it’s important
  • Has very little time on their hands
  • Needs to be taught like a 5th grader

And attract an audience with these 5 ingredients.

Happy building ✌️

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