May 31, 2023

Read time: 3 min

I’ve been trying to convince my family and my girlfriend to put this on my gravestone.

So far, I’ve gotten 5 “no’s” and one “hell no” (thanks, Mom…)

What do I want that’s getting so much push back?

I want,

“Everything in the creator economy is about building trust with your audience”

My family wants something more akin to:

  • Loving brother
  • Thoughtful partner
  • Almost as funny as Norm McDonald

Okay fine… I added that last one…

Though I’ll never be able to put that as my gravestone sign-off, at least you’re here today helping me fight the good fight about trust-building in this space.

With trust in mind – I want to talk about the most effective way to build trust with your audience.

It has nothing to do with:

  • Getting on podcasts
  • Posting content on Linkedin or Twitter
  • Or sharing the occasional personal selfie

The most effective way to build trust is with your welcome email for your newsletter/email list.

And today we’re going to talk about how I built one that gets multiple responses daily (which not only help build trust – but help with deliverability, open rates, click rates, etc.)

Let’s take a look…

Start by telling your subscriber what just happened

Everything with your welcome email should be about nailing the first impression.

Here in my welcome email, I tell the new subscriber, “you made two people very happy today”

Of course most everyone can reasonably assume they’re one of those two people.

But who the hell is the other one?

This hook’s the new subscriber’s attention and welcomes them in with a fun, positive attitude into this new world.

Next, tell them why that’s important

You just joined a newsletter, big whoop, right?

Why is this something to celebrate?

Why should the new subscriber give a hoot about joining this newsletter and making their inbox all the more cluttered?

Use your unique offering, mission, and purpose to tell and shoe them why this is something that should be celebrated.

Third, inform them of what to expect going forward

Joining the newsletter is one thing – but going forward and getting deeper into this world is where the magic happens.

  • What should the new member expect?
  • How often are they going to hear from you?
  • What are the main things you are going to talk about?

Give as much of a foreshadow as to the new life and transformation they should expect as a member in your world.

Fourth, tell them why you’re the perfect guide

Why are you someone they should pay attention to?

What gives you the huevos to come in here and make such a claim?

You don’t need to have formal qualifications (if you don’t have them). Maybe you can share a bit about your Genesis story as to how you got here and attained the knowledge you know.

It can be that simple.

Last, what should they do right now?

Guide your new member to take some form of action right now.

This could be:

  • Join a waitlist
  • Read more content
  • Purchase your product
  • Schedule a free consult

For me – I just want you to write to me with a funny inside joke.

Hell – I’m a human at the end of the day. I want this to be fun and this is my unique way of making that happen.

Again, everything here is about building trust that you’re in the right place.

That’s how you make a positive first impression on someone when they enter your world.

(Kind of weird that this issue is so meta considering THOUSANDS of you have seen this welcome email and responded with the inside joke 🤣)

From my little corner of the globe to yours,

Happy building ✌️

If you’re not getting value out of these newsletters, please consider unsubscribing.

We’re still homies even if it doesn’t help you out anymore..

See you again next week.


As always, here are the different ways I can help you:

  • The Complete Creator (🚨 WAITLIST NOW OPEN 🚨)
  • Audience Curve: A proven system guaranteed to grow your Twitter account. The exact strategy to used to grow my Twitter to 57,000+ followers and 30M annual impressions of traffic.

One 6-figure solo-business growth tip, every week.

Join 8,300+ others regularly reading the greatest newsletter on Planet Earth.
